9.30 to 11am on Tuesday 8th October - $30 including morning tea.
Looking for something exciting these school holidays? This session will be both educational and super fun! We will start by learning about how simple household igredients can make a volcano erupt and then take turns mixing them all together and watching what happens. We will then teach the kids how to make sherbert with a few simple pantry staples and finish with making slime. If we have time we will do a demonstration on hokey pokey. We will serve the kids morning tea.
Please ensure that one parent / guardian is on site at Punnet for the duration of the workshop. We ask that children are over 4, or have a parent / guadian present in the class at all times to assist. Please turn up to this session just before 9.30am, you do not need a physical ticket.
YES can be made GF - Please write in the notes if your child is GF